@ [ Nimo.Nek ] at;
Ken O (GeunHo) Min is a Seoul-based architect known for his imaginative approach and diverse contributions to architectural discourse. He has been exploring a wide array of ideas and leading discussions through his architectural endeavors.
He pursued his architectural education at Seoul National University Graduate School of Architecture and was selected for the ‘Republic of Korea government-led design talent development project’ for working overseas. And also, solidifying his position by winning awards in more than 10 international and domestic competitions.
His thesis project, 'Urban Transistor ; ' garnered significant recognition, including the Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism Award in South Korea. Additionally, 'Urban Transistor ; ' received the Grand Prize at the Architecture MasterPrize 2023, hosted by the American Institute of Architectural Foundation, as well as a gold medal at the IDA and International Design Awards and the UIA International Association of Architects World Expo in Copenhagen. His portfolio boasts numerous accolades from both international and Korean competitions, underscoring his impact on the field of architecture.
He has enriched his perspective through professional experiences at esteemed firms such as Mass Studies in Seoul-Republic of Korea, BIG (Bjarke Ingels Group) in Copenhagen-Denmark, and Herzog & de Meuron in Basel-Switzerland.
민근호는 서울에 기반을 둔 건축가이다. 창의적인 접근 방식과 다양한 건축적 시도를 통해, 폭 넓은 범위의 아이디어 를 실험하며 다양한 담론들을 이끌어 내는 중이다.
서울대학교 건축학과 대학원에서 건축학을 전공하고 있으며, '대한민국 정부 주도 인재양성 사업'에 선정되어 해외에서 근무를 하고 있다. 졸업 설계인 '도시전환기계 ; 어반 트랜지스터(Urban Transistor)'는 대한민국 문화체육부장관상을 더불어, 미국 건축재단이 주관한 Architecture MasterPrize 2023에서 Grand Prize 및 IDA, International Design Awards에서 골드 메달을 수상했으며, 코펜하겐에서 열린 UIA 국제건축가협회 세계박람회에서 발표되었다. 이외에도, 다양한 작품들이 여러 국제 공모전 및 한국의 공모전을 통해 수상하면서, 그의 건축작품에 대한 영향력을 보여주고 있다.
대한민국 서울의 조민석 산하의 매스스터디스, 덴마크 의 BIG, Bjarke Ingels Group, 스위스 바젤의 Herzog & de Meuron에서의 실무를 통해 다양한 경험을 쌓고 있다.
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I've thrive on collaboration and value the richness that diversity adds to endeavors.
And also, believe that diversity fuels innovation, and we actively seek opportunities for collaboration with individuals from various backgrounds and perspectives.