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Urban Transistor; Transfer Landfill to Urban Void, From Abandoned Land to Land of Possibilities.

[ Nanji Landfill Regeneration Project ]

_Individual Work

Landfills were one of the means of disposing of waste in the past, occupying physical land and turning it into unusable land. This method is still used today, and when the existing landfill quota is filled, a new site is found and the waste is buried there again.

However, continuous physical land occupation alone should not be the solution to landfilling waste. We need a way to continue disposing of waste, but revitalize already encroached land. And, facilities that can breathe new vitality into the vacated space are now needed. We propose this project as a way to escape from landfills, as a way to save the reclaimed land itself that is encroached upon and cannot be used, and as a way of circulation for the Earth and the environment.

This design is a construction guide and specific design for a project for the Nanji landfill and its prototype. In addition to the attitude displayed on the inside and outside of the building, we also focused on how the architecture itself is constructed, and established a mechanism for mining and circulating the city's landfill waste in the form of an algorithm, each logical order. Through this, it is organized in this design. In addition, by organizing these designs and concepts through actual architectural drawings, we also consider how they can be practically constructed.

The city of Seoul is currently becoming overcrowded and is already one of the cities with high density. And this overcrowding phenomenon continues to occur in cities to this day. It is realistically difficult to find architectural and urban ways to prevent the social phenomenon of overcrowding in the metropolitan area. Therefore, the number of lands in Seoul whose physical properties must be changed and utilized will continue to increase.

The area occupied by the Nanji landfill reaches 823,000 pyeong. This is a very large area, accounting for more than 10% of the area of Mapo-gu. However, this large site currently remains a landfill. If these sites are returned to physically usable sites, the city of Seoul will be able to greatly benefit from the increase in physically usable land.

Nanji Landfill is currently a landfill located on the outskirts of Seoul, and since it was designated as a landfill in 1977, indiscriminate landfilling of waste has continued. Then, as part of the national maintenance project during the 1988 Olympics and the 2002 World Cup, national efforts were made to change and utilize landfills by quickly reclaiming them and turning them into parks, and methane gas, a primary circulating resource, was used as energy. This project was promoted as an alternative to extracting and using resources.

However, the biggest problem with this project is that methane gas from landfills is only a very temporary resource. The methane gas resource currently being buried will be exhausted within 20 years. After that, all the Nanji landfill can do is wait for the waste to completely decompose naturally, and the site can only be used again after at least 10,000 years have passed.

The Urban Transistor and Urban Transformation Machine project proposed to combat this blind spot has as its main purpose the return of the land reborn with new facilities, not after 10,000 years. In doing so, as a result, this building can be applied not only to the Nanjido landfill but also to landfills across the country, including the 1st landfill and 2nd landfill in the metropolitan area located in Incheon, so that the land called a landfill can be turned into a new resource and transformed, rather than left unattended. I hope it works as a prototype that gives room for things to happen.

Meanwhile, the actual appearance of the building is located on the Nanji landfill with a rough appearance to represent a giant machine. Flexible programs composed with the appearance of a giant machine will be able to show various aspects of urban transistors.

In addition, by devising the way a large machine operates, we design the practically necessary programs and their ancillary parts and apply them to the actual design to design the parts of the building to operate according to an algorithm. , Mapo-gu, and on a macro level, it can be created to evoke and create a cultural and nature-friendly environment in Seoul.

In this macroscopic view, mass is composed mainly of functional spaces. A ramp leading to Gangbyeonbuk-ro, a silo for storing construction materials, and a port space near the Han River are added to the basic unit to create additional mass. The mass composition algorithm on the left, which can be called an algorithm, proclaims that each space and mass will be constructed based on such principles.

In accordance with their respective functions, the facility masses have a red mass called infrastructure, a green resource movement mass, and a blue resident-friendly mass. These masses are each connected so that spaces can be linked and used in a diagrammatic algorithm along with movement paths. Through this distribution of functional space/mass corresponding to each process, this space and the giant machine will be able to operate smoothly.

As a result, machines operating with this mechanism/algorithm will continuously empty the Nanji landfill, and the emptied Nanji landfill has the potential to become one of Seoul's cities again in the future. If this process continues, we will be able to have physical land that can be transformed into a city in about 30 years. This success story will become a precedent that can be applied to more landfills in the future.

In addition, after these buildings have fulfilled their role, they will be converted into usable physical land and will be constructed so that they can remain as symbols when this space becomes a city.

The part I paid most attention to while working on the project was the construction of the system. I think that the biggest goal of this project was to think about how it could be actually built and used, rather than just imagining it, and I also focused on creating an integrated recycling facility that could actually be solved through one building. I left it. In doing so, as a result, this building can be applied not only to the Nanjido landfill, but also to landfills across the country, including the 1st and 2nd landfills in the metropolitan area located in Incheon, creating room for new resources and changes rather than leaving landfills as is. I hope it will serve as a prototype and precedent for giving.

Starting with the proposed method, if we think about emptying landfills rather than continuously filling them, it is clear that there will be more parts that can be restored in terms of the urban environment and in terms of resources as well as physical land. will be. With these grand goals and ideals in mind, we conclude the Urban Transistor Project.

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